JCDA Requests Proposals for Mowing of Burr Business Park
February 26, 2024

Please view the full RFP here. A map of the mowing area can be found here.
The Jefferson County Development Authority (“JCDA”) seeks proposals from qualified individuals/businesses for the landscaping/mowing of the Burr Business Park in Kearneysville WV.
Scope of Work
The required mowing area is a designated width of approximately 8-10 feet from the edge of the roadway along both sides of the designated roads. Required trimming area includes around any fixed objects such as signs, junction boxes, etc., located within the mowing area. The mowing and trimming areas do not include those lots already maintained by current property owners.
Project Timeline
The mowing season is expected to begin March 15 and end November 15, annually; an average of mowing every two weeks.
Proposal Requirements
Respondents should provide the following:
1. Description of the proposed approach and work plan. Activities and timelines should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-oriented. Include a timeline of major tasks and milestones.
2. Qualifications of the respondent to provide the requested services including capability, capacity, and related experience.
3. A cost estimate of work to be completed.
4. Please include who will be the respondent’s point of contact.
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