Local Entrepreneur Tells Success Story
April 27, 2017
Starting your own business may seem intimidating, but hearing how others have done just that may encourage you to become an entrepreneur. You can learn how one local business owner got started at the upcoming Eastern Panhandle Entrepreneurs Forum (EPEF) on Thurs., May 4, at The Purple Iris.
The EPEF will present the program "Entrepreneur Success Story". Business owner Brian Weber, of the Eastern Panhandle Bicycle Company in Martinsburg, will be the guest speaker. He will discuss how he started his business with a dream and $5,000.
The event, which is free and open to the public, begins at 5:30 p.m. with networking and refreshments, followed by the program at 6:30 p.m. After his presentation, time will be allotted for a question and answer session. The Purple Iris is located at 1956 Winchester Avenue in Martinsburg.
Sponsors for the May EPEF program are:
- Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
- Region 9 Eastern Panhandle Planning and Development Council
- Berkeley County Development Authority
- Jefferson County Development Authority
- Morgan County Economic Development Authority
Organized by the economic development organizations in Jefferson, Berkeley, and Morgan counties, the EPEF is a non-profit organization of individuals in the business and technical communities that promotes the creation and growth of innovative new businesses in the Eastern Panhandle. The EPEF is based on the premise that the future economic vitality of the Eastern Panhandle comes in large part from the emergence of new businesses through entrepreneurial culture, a pool of resources to draw from, and successful models to follow.
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