Jefferson County Development Authority announces Agriculture Marketing Initiative
March 23, 2023

March 23, 2023
Ryan Snyder, Agriculture Coordinator
Jefferson County Development Authority
Jefferson County Development Authority announces Agriculture Marketing Initiative
Kearneysville, W.Va. – The Jefferson County Development Authority (JCDA) is pleased to share its agriculture marketing initiative, Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County. Jefferson County, WV is home to a diverse agriculture economy, ranging from small, specialty crop producers to larger livestock and commodity crop operations. To support these producers, the JCDA is implementing Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County. This initiative will support both agriculture producers in Jefferson County, as well as businesses purchasing products from said producers—serving as a clearinghouse for Jefferson County agricultural products and connecting the public to various outlets, farms, and businesses.
Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County features two branding opportunities for Jefferson County businesses—Jefferson County Grown and Jefferson County Made. Jefferson County Grown is specific for agriculture producers and will feature production agriculture. Jefferson County Made is designed for businesses sourcing products from Jefferson County producers. All participants will have access to electronic files of the Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County logos and branding material. Utilizing USDA grant funding, the JCDA will be providing business with various print marketing materials including signs, stickers, paper bags, and more.
To connect businesses to the public, Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County will have its own standalone website. The website will contain a map locating each business property and a short description of each business, along with hours of operation, product offerings, etc. For individual farms not open to the public, the website will have an opportunity list for the public to find their products—whether that be in a physical store, at the farmer’s market, or on-line. Participating businesses accepting SNAP benefits will be noted on the website, allowing individuals to purchase healthier food options within the means of their benefits. Additionally, social media pages will be developed to supplement the website and will feature participating businesses throughout the year.
Comprehensively, Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County aids in strengthening the local food economy by allowing producers to take advantage of additional steps within the value chain and keeping more food-spending within the local economy. The website and social platforms allow the public to easily connect with and identify local products, while the branding opportunities allow local producers and businesses to take advantage of free marketing tools.
Registration for Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County is now open and can be found at the following link:
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