Jefferson County Agriculture Photo Contest
August 19, 2022

If you visit our booth at the Jefferson County Fair next week, you may notice something special. We are hosting our first ever Agriculture Photo Contest! Get your cameras or cell phones ready, and submit your best agriculture scenes from Jefferson County. All next week during the fair, use our online form, stop by our booth to scan the QR code, or email your name, photo, and description of your photo to
Photos will be judged based on the number of reactions (like, love, etc.) on Facebook from August 29th through September 2nd. Be sure to like the Jefferson County Development Authority on Facebook, and share your photos so others can like them on the JCDA page! The photo with the most reactions will be selected as the cover for the calendar, while the 12 following photos with the most reactions will be selected as the photos for each month.
Contest rules
Photos must be agriculture related.
Photos must have been taken in Jefferson County.
You may submit more than 1 photo, however, a separate form must be used for each entry.
Winners will be selected based on total number of reactions (like, love, etc.) on Facebook. The top 13 photos will be selected for print in a calendar, with the most reactions being the cover.
Voting will begin August 29th, and ends September 2nd.
Photo submissions will be accepted August 20th through August 27th.
By submitting a photo, photographer acknowledges that photo(s) will be uploaded to Facebook for voting, and photo(s), photographer name and/or description may be used in a printed calendar. JCDA may also use photos in other promotional materials.
As you navigate our website, you can use the “Add Item to Report” button to add any page or property to a custom report that you can print out or save.