JCDA Seeks SOQ for Engineering Services
January 27, 2022

Legal Notices
ADVERTISEMENT AND REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Pursuant to West Virginia Code 5G-1-3, the Jefferson County Development Authority (JCDA) is seeking Expressions of Interest and Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from consulting engineering firms to provide professional engineering services for various projects and on an “as necessary on-call” basis for a three-year period for the Jefferson County Development Authority. The consulting engineering firm’s information to be provided shall include: 1.) The firm’s location (including the main office and any satellite offices), 2.) Staffing, 3.) Technical expertise, 4.) Related prior experience, 5.) Management & staffing capabilities, 6.) References. The Jefferson County Development Authority is interested in the selected firm being able to provide full A/E services for projects in the planning, design, and/or construction phase.
All interested firms shall submit 3 copies of the SOQ to the following address by March 4, 2022, by COB: Jefferson County Development Authority, 1948 Wiltshire Road, Suite #4, Kearneysville WV 25430. Reference: Statement of Qualifications from “Name of Consulting Engineering Firm”. Any questions about the SOQ shall be directed to Dennis Jarvis at 304-728-3255, djarvis@jcda.net.
Attention is directed to the fact that the proposed project(s) may be undertaken with a variety of Federal, State and Local funds, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the regulations issued by such agencies, the State of West Virginia and the Jefferson County Development Authority pertaining thereto. The JCDA shall evaluate the received SOQs’ performance data and other material submitted by interested firms (including, but not limited to, technical expertise, project management, staffing capabilities, references and related prior experience) and select a minimum of three (3) firms which, in the JCDA’s opinion, are best qualified to perform the desired services at a realistic price. Interviews with each firm selected shall be conducted, which may include discussions regarding anticipated concepts and proposed methods of approach. The JCDA shall rank, in order of preference, these (3) professional firms deemed to be the most highly qualified to provide the services required and shall commence Scope of Services and price negotiations with the highest-qualified consulting engineering firm. Should the JCDA be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the consulting engineering firm considered to be the most qualified, at a fee determined to be fair & reasonable, price negotiations with the firm of second choice shall commence. Failing accord with the second most qualified consulting engineering firm, the committee shall undertake price negotiations with the third most qualified consulting engineering firm. Should the JCDA be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with any of the selected professional firms, it shall select additional professional firms in order of their competence and qualifications and it shall continue negotiations in accordance with these procedures until an agreement is reached. The JCDA will afford full opportunity to women-owned, minority business enterprises and small businesses to submit a show of interest in response to this request and will not discriminate against any interested firm or individual on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin in the awarding of the professional engineering services work. The JCDA reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all Statement of Qualifications and to waive any minor informalities in the submission and selection processes.
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