Agriculture at Home: Jefferson County Ag. Update
February 18, 2022

As winter winds down and spring is just around the corner, have you given any thought to how you will market your products this coming year? Social media and an online presence can be a very useful tool in reaching a variety of customers. However, the thought of using social media to advertise can be daunting, and it doesn’t have to be. As part of the Jefferson Innovators series, JCDA has organized a course on social media marketing for agricultural organizations, to take place March 23 at 6:00 PM.
This course will be offered both in person and virtually, however, in person attendance will be limited to 20 on a first come first serve basis. The course cost is $8. In person cash or check will be collected at the door. Virtual attendees may mail checks to 1948 Wiltshire Road Suite 4, Kearneysville WV 25430, or drop off cash or check during regular business hours (8:30-4:30). The course will be taught in the WVU Extension Large Conference Room in the Public Services Building, 1948 Wiltshire Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430.
Register online here:
This session will be led by Bill Woodrum. William J. “Bill” Woodrum is the Coordinator of the WV Entrepreneurship Network and project director for the WV BusinessLink initiative at the WV Department of Economic Development. Prior to coming to state government, Bill served as the Director of Entrepreneurship at the Robert C. Byrd Institute of Marshall University for seven years. In this role he provided a variety of innovation support in agricultural technology, entrepreneurship, rapid prototyping, and small batch manufacturing programs. He also helped establish the WV Agricultural Leadership Committee in 2016 which combined business & industry with government, educational and non-profit resources. In 2018, he was a founding member of the WV Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and is currently serving as co-chair. This network now has more than 137 regularly participating members representing entrepreneur serving organizations from across the state.
A native of West Virginia, Bill’s career has been dedicated to community resource development through government and non-profit administration. This work has allowed him to work at local, state, regional, national, and international level. His specialty is building resource networks to support on-going community and economic development systems.
Mr. Woodrum holds a Bachelor of Arts from Marshall University and received his Master of Science from The Ohio State University. Mr. Woodrum has presented seminars on best practices in development, management systems, ecosystem building and leadership at the local, state, national and international level.
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