

Executive Committee – The JCDA Executive Committee meets, as needed, on the second Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. at the Jefferson County Public Services Center located at 1948 Wiltshire Road in Kearneysville, W.Va or virtually. 

  • Mary Kathryn Robinson, President
  • Gino Sisco, Vice President
  • Todd Coyle, Secretary, Treasurer, Agriculture Development Committee Chair
  • Heather McIntyre, Business Development & Marketing Committee Chair
  • Kathy Skinner, Governmental and Legislative Affairs Committee Chair

Except as otherwise specifically limited by a majority vote of the Board, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the routine business of the Authority between the regular meetings of the members and shall have all the powers of the membership, subject to, however, to the ratification and approval of later rejection by the membership. It shall have general charge of the finances and property of the Authority and shall have authority to make disbursements for necessary and routine expenses, and may grant to any committee a reasonable amount of money needed for special work, provided such amount shall not exceed the budget allowance for such work as previously approved by the Authority. The Executive Committee shall review issues that may or may not come before the members of the authority and, if appropriate, make recommendations to the members concerning such issues.

Business Development & Marketing Committee – The JCDA Business Development & Marketing Committee meets, as needed, on the fourth Wednesday of the month, at 3 p.m. at the Jefferson County Public Services Center located at 1948 Wiltshire Road in Kearneysville, W.Va or virtually.

  • Heather McIntyre, Chair
  • Jim Dovel
  • Adam Shively
  • Roberta Meade-Curry

The primary duty of the Business Development and Marketing Committee shall be to develop strategies that encourage businesses to locate to Jefferson County and to assist existing businesses with efforts that attract jobs and foster growth in the community. The Committee will review and provide guidance on the Authority’s business development and marketing strategies while ensuring that the Authority is appropriately targeting and effectively utilizing the opportunities that exist in the marketplace. The Committee will work to identify future opportunities to develop suitable industrial/business sites. The Committee shall have the duty to develop any and all projects toward economic improvement consistent with the West Virginia Code and deemed prudent by the Authority.

Agriculture Committee – The JCDA Agricultural Committee meets, as needed, on the first Wednesday of the month, at 3 p.m. at the Jefferson County Public Services Center located at 1948 Wiltshire Road in Kearneysville or virtually.  

  • Todd Coyle, Chair
  • Bryan Jones
  • Greg Mason
  • Diane Blust, Advisory Member
  • Cassie Twigg, Advisory Member

The primary duty of the Agriculture Development Committee shall be to identify, develop, and promote agriculture, and agriculture-related business within the county.

Governmental and Legislative Affairs Committee – The JCDA Governmental and Legislative Affairs Committee meets, as needed, on the second Thursday of the month at 3 p.m. at the Jefferson County Public Services Center located at 1948 Wiltshire Road in Kearneysville or virtually.

  • Kathy Skinner, Chair
  • Elizabeth Ricketts
  • Pasha Majdi
  • James Cook
  • Gino Sisco

The primary duty of the Governmental and Legislative Affairs Committee shall be to develop policies and act as liaison between the Authority and governmental/legislative bodies and in furtherance of the Authority’s activities.

Strategic Planning Committee (Ad Hoc) - The JCDA Strategic Planning Committee meets, as needed, in-person at a determined location or virtually.

  • Mary Kathryn Robinson
  • James Cook
  • Roberta Meade-Curry
  • Diane Blust, Advisory Member
  • Jane Tabb, Advisory Member
  • Meredith Wait, Advisory Member
  • Johnny Dyer, Advisory Member


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