JCDA’s May Business Spotlight - True Performance Fitness
May 31, 2022

Photo Credit @naimmuhammad.photography
May Business Spotlight – True Performance Fitness
Did you know that healthy people make for a healthier community? One of the most traditional and effective ways to stay healthy is to exercise. In addition to reducing risk for serious disease later in life, exercising improves your energy levels, boosts and stabilizes your mood, strengthens bones and muscles, promotes sleep quantity and quality, and supports weight loss and maintenance. The link between exercise and improved quality of life is undeniable.
So, how do healthy people make your community healthier? Good health impacts every facet of life, from a child’s ability to learn to an adult’s ability to work. Economists have found physical fitness has a positive impact on lower direct health care costs, productivity due to reduced absenteeism and a capacity for independent living among older adults.
Jefferson County is lucky to be near an abundance of outdoor activities including a walking/running/biking path, gorgeous parks, rivers, and mountains. “One thing noticeably missing for a rapidly growing area was a lack of quality fitness centers” says Chris Spiess, co-owner of True Performance Fitness.
True Performance Fitness (TPF) opened in August of 2021 and is located at 362 W Burr Blvd. in Kearneysville, WV. TPF is 100% locally owned and operated by Paul and Stacey Holzberger, Chris and Adria Spiess, Crystal Smiles-Tharp, and Kyle Gabriel. “While most of the owners have primary occupations outside of TPF, they all play some role in the day-to-day operations” notes Chris. “We are here every day, whether working out, meeting and greeting clients, instructing classes or providing personal training. We are truly invested in our local fitness community.”
Setting TPF apart from other fitness centers is the ability to provide a larger space in addition to the fitness center, where other health and fitness related services could be offered. “This idea has now carved out spaces within our facility for martial arts, physical therapy, sports-specific training, personal training, nutrition services as well as a host of other services” says Chris. TPF gives you all the equipment, group classes and personal training options you would find at most fitness centers and adds a host of less standard options such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga (a self-defense system instructional class), and a bodybuilding posing room.
The 25,000 square foot interior footprint of the building is utilized well, 5,000 sf is leased office space, and another 5,000 is leased training space, 13,500 sf is fitness space of which 1,500 is dedicated mat space for martial arts and 2,100 is open turf space. The pro shop and posing room account for the remaining square footage.
TPF hit a huge milestone, attaining 1,000 members in less than a year, and more good things are on the way, “Our long-term goal at TPF is to continue to stay on the cutting edge of fitness with upgraded equipment and programming” notes Chris. “We also have plans to eventually expand to build an indoor multi-purpose sports facility to offer basketball, volleyball, and other indoor sports activities.”
Health is wealth and we thank everyone at True Performance Fitness for providing Jefferson and neighboring counties with a fresh and innovative approach to the traditional fitness center. The JCDA wishes True Performance Fitness continued success as they grow and expand. Learn more about TPF by visiting their website TruePerformanceFitness.com and following them on Facebook and Instagram.
Photo Credit @naimmuhammad.photography
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